Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Fate Intro

      Topic: Fate

Quote~ "Heart is what drives us and determines our fate" -Isabel Allende

Isabel Allende once said, "Heart is what drives us and determines our fate." Isabel means to say that if we want something bad enough we will put our all to get what we want in life. She's right because our heart drives us to do something in life or to make a difference in our society. This can be seen in the current book I am reading The Forrest Of Hands And Teeth by Carrie Ryan. The first time you see what Isabel said in the book is when the main character Mary sneaks out of her room at night to go see Travis the man she is in love with. She goes to see him in his room at night because during the day the other nuns and sisters don't allow her to see him. She goes to go see him because she loves him and her heart drives her to go see him and that is what brings her to her fate which would be running from the sisterhood with Travis and his brother Harry and her best friend Cass and Mary's brother Jed. Towards the very ending Mary's heart causes an end to Jed's life because of the choice she made.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


"The Forest Of Hands And Teeth" is written by Carrie Ryan. It is very good from what I have read so far. It is about a girl named Mary who lives in a small Village that is surrounded by a giant fence.In the inner fence they have the village and on the outside of it is where the Unconsecrated drag the rest over their limp body trying to claw at the living on the other side.Mary is ready to leave and see if they are the only once left on earth.

I Am Mary (From the novel "The Forest Of Hand And Teeth")

I Am  Mary  (From the novel "The Forest Of Hand And Teeth")

I am curious
I wonder what is beyond the village fences
I hear the moans and scratching of the Unconsecrated
I see nothing but the fence and the forest
I want to see the world
I am ready to see the world                       

I pretend not to hear the secrets of the Sisterhood
I feel trapped in this boring isolated place
I touch Travis's face even though we are not betrothed
I worry that i will not ever leave this place
I cry at night knowing i wont ever leave
I am ready to leave

I understand that i am not trusted in this village
I say i am okay but i am not
I dream of the stories my mother told me
I try to see beyond the forest
I hope to be with Travis one day and leave
I am not happy here

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Hero

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to preserve and endure in spite it overwhelming obstacles." -Christopher Reeve ("Superman")                                                                          This quote is talking about normal people who can be hero's on a day to day basis even though they themselves can be going through obstacles. Yet they still choose to help others in need because they have the strength to be there for others when they need them. My personal opinion on this quote would be to agree because ordinary individuals can be heroes without even realizing it. The reason I agree with Christopher's quote is because you honestly can be a hero for example a few years back my neighbors 3 year old had a candy in his mouth and he started to choke and his mother started to panic and didn't know what to do and started to scream for help. My dad was outside at the time with my sister and I and he runs to their house and took the candy out of the little boys mouth and saved him. The mother was so happy she kept on saying thank you for saving my son. All my dad said was its no problem I used this example because my dad is just an ordinary working man and he saved a 3 year olds life.